North Dakota Wheat
Hard Red Winter Wheat
Hard Red Winter Wheat Production
Hard red winter wheat is a risker crop to grow due to the weather conditions in North Dakota and acreage levels are relatively low, accounting for 2-3% of the state’s wheat acreage.
Hard red winter wheat is planted in the autumn, typically in September, and resumes growth in the early spring. Harvest usually begins in July.
Hard Red Winter Wheat Facts
Acreage in the state has ranged from 70,000 to 150,000 in recent years.
Hard red winter wheat accounts for just 2-3% of the total wheat acreage in North Dakota.
Hard red winter wheat is high in protein and has strong gluten. Hard red winter wheat is a versatile wheat with excellent milling and baking characteristics for pan bread. It is also a choice for Asian noodles, hard rolls, flatbreads, general purpose flour and as an improver for blending.